When The Book of Romans Uses The Word SIN, is it an action verb?

There are many teaching that if we do not confess every sin that we commit that we forfeit our Salvation, unless we repent. But is this Biblical truth or is it a misunderstanding partly because of the Bible translation to English of the word SIN in the Book of Romans?

Romans is one such case where understanding the translation from Greek makes all the difference in the meaning. Apostle Paul wrote Romans. And when the proper meaning is seen then we can see how other Scriptures from Apostle Paul agree. Context matters. The translation of certain key words in passages and what the same writer states elsewhere in the Bible matter. They should not contradict. They MUST AGREE.

This is what makes this so important to understand about Romans, written by Apostle Paul. It is a BIG part of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, amen! We are to look at the Gospel passages from before the cross in the light and through the lens of what Apostle Paul taught. Peter and all the Apostles agreed to this in Acts 15. And so, we need to get this right!

The New Testament was written in Greek and what we read today is translated into English. And so there are times we need to look at the Greek to see the true meaning of words. One is the word SIN in Romans. The other is the word REPENT throughout the New Testament. I have already addressed the word REPENT in my other article. This article is regarding the word SIN in Romans but it is also related to the words repent and confess and right believing in what repentance and confession actually is defined as by the Bible.

In the Book of Romans we see the word SIN is used 48 times by Apostle Paul. The Romans Road to Salvation is something many use to bring people to Christ and so let us get this right!  If you read Romans believing all instances of the word SIN have the same meaning; that is where confusion starts. The fact is that not all instances of the word SIN has the same meaning. Most believe all instances are used as VERBS describing individual sins that we all commit. We sin because of a sin nature. We do not have a sin nature because we sin. This is important to realize. And because of this we see many pulpits teaching falsely that if we do not REPENT and CONFESS every single sin we commit, that we forfeit our Salvation. If SIN is used as a verb throughout Romans, it is easy to see why people believe that. Other passages by Apostle Paul refute that idea but not everyone sees those passages in their studying and others blindly just listen to pulpits thinking they must be correct based on Romans use of the word SIN.

Yet here is the shocker folks. There are TWO  Greek words for SIN in Romans and they are hamartanō  – a verb and hamartia – a noun).  What is the ratio of use between these two words of either SIN as a noun or SIN as a verb? Hamartia (a noun) is used 46 out of the 48 times! Apostle Paul is talking about SIN as a noun…as a WHOLE. As in SIN, in it’s entirety, not each and every sin we commit. Now, of course every SIN (verb) we commit is included in the noun SIN. Why is it important then? Because it thwarts the idea that if we do not confess every single sin that it somehow means we will not make it to Heaven and will cause loss of Salvation.

You see, Jesus did not only die for the confessed sins of believers!  No. He paid for ALL SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD and that includes believer’s sins and unbeliever’s sins.

And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the SINS OF THE WHOLE WORLD.” (1 John 2:2 KJV)

And Jesus told Nicodemus that WHOSOEVER BELIEVETH IN HIM hath everlasting life. And that He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18 KJV) Salvation is BELIEF ALONE my friends! It is ALL the Grace of God.

John the Baptist was baptizing them and they were confessing their sins, yet it was before Jesus even started His ministry, let alone died on that cross. This was confessing UNTO repentance. A change of mind about their sin and instead of doing good deeds and Law following to gain the favor of God – they were crying out o God for MERCY. They were acknowledging their sins to God. However, confessing sins to God in itself will not save anyone because if you miss just one sin you did, say 20 years earlier, where would you be? Still unsaved! It only takes one sin to disqualify us from Heaven because it is a perfect place without sin.

But John was showing them their sins against God in preparation for the one coming who would bring in the New Covenant; the prophesied Messiah and the one that WOULD SAVE THEM.  After Christ died on the cross, we repent (change our mind) believing that the work of Christ on that cross was a sufficient and the ONCE FOR ALL payment (Hebrews 10:10, Colossians 2) for the sins of the world. And by BELIEF on Christ alone to save us from our sins (Ephesians 2:8-9, John 3:18) what Christ accomplished is placed on our account and all our sins were PAID IN FULL. This is in fact what Jesus cried out on the cross just before He expired physically. PAID IN FULL! is the Greek for IT IS FINISHED!  An accounting term of debt erasure!

From the moment we BELIEVED ON CHRIST we were SEALED by the Holy Spirit forever (Ephesians 1:13-14). Colossians tells us that we were Baptized WITH CHRIST and we DIED WITH CHRIST and we rose again WITH CHRIST because Jesus nailed all our  transgressions to that cross. This is an amazing truth believers! One to shout for joy about!

Be grace conscious!  It is by the Grace of God that people come to repentance and belief unto Salvation through Christ Jesus, our Lord.