Free Christian Books by Author Don Gerrity

Eternal Destinations

Where do Old Testament Saints go after death? Will all believers (OT Saints & Church Age Saints) reside on Earth during the 1000 Year Kingdom Age on Earth? Will Old Testament Saints be Raptured with Church Age believers? Where do the dead go? What does Scripture really show about this? Lots of questions from believers about all this and so, I will show some answers we do find in Scripture about these questions. Although I am by no means a Biblical scholar, nor an expert in End Times Bible Prophecy, there are many Scriptures and passages that show us the truth about these questions. My hope is to give you strong encouragement that the bible is sure and true. That what awaits believers should be of an enormous encouragement and excitement. That those who have not yet accepted salvation through belief on the Christ crucified died and risen may see the truth of the Bible.

The Role Of Works And Salvation

What is the role of good works regarding salvation through Christ Crucified died and risen? Some say we are saved by being a good person and our good works. Others are teaching that after believeing on Christ for salvation, we need good works to remain saved. Are our works and behaviour the way to attain salvation and righteousness with God? I dedicate this book to all believers in Christ and to be sure that we understand the one thing we must do to be saved; believe in the complete sufficiency of the payment for all sins of the whole world, Jesus Christ Crucified , died and risen.

The Eternal Security Of The Believer

Some call this the doctrine 'Once Saved, Always Saved (OSAS)' but that phrase sometimes takes on an intellectual salvation connotation. OSAS does not mean a person goes to an alter call and is saved eternally because of a prayer they say nor because of religious ritual that they perform. The truth by Scripture is that a person's salvation rests in believing the Gospel and so it is important that you clearly understand what the Gospel actually is. I ask you as a reader of this book that you try and forget what you may have been taught by a church pulpit, or even well known preachers, and instead see what God's Word is actually teaching when context is used, before you decide. Hopefully, your church pulpit teaches the Bible with context and not just religious traditions of men as most are doing in these End Times of Bible Prophecy (Colossians 2:8 KJV).

Once a person becomes saved by belief and accepting Christ, they are forever sealed in Salvation; born again in the The Spirit. That is the Gospel. The good news of salvation. Hallelujah! I hope this e-book will bless you and empower you to boldly show others, that as believers, they can know and rest in the eternal security in Salvation that Christ purchased in His once for all blood atonement sacrifice on the cross.

Christ In Us
The Hope Of Glory

Knowing who God made us from the very moment of our salvation is vitally important to how we live outwardly for Christ in love toward others. Yet, so many believers do not understand that there is more to salvation than just the fact that Christ paid for our sins so we can go to Heaven… MUCH MORE!

Salvation Through Christ,
What Must I Do To Be Saved?

The Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to be justified before the God of the universe according to the Holy Bible. Is Salvation by works or being a good person as so many pulpits are teaching today in mainstream organized Christian religious groups? The truth that sets you free is not by good works or being a good person. Learn what the Bible has to say about Salvation. The Best News You Will Ever Hear!

Knowing God
The Beginning & The End

Many Scriptural interpretations rely greatly on the readers knowledge of who God is and what God’s character actually is. The Bible tells us the very character of God and that it is never going to change. God’s character and His ways are eternal and perfect. Once you know that the God of the Bible gives us proof that He is the real one and only God of the universe it will give you a confidence in every word of the Bible as the absolute truth. And once you learn the attributes of God through the Bible it will show you how deep is the love of God toward humankind.

The Redeemer Lives

This book is dedicated to all who look at the world and think, There is just something very wrong here! It is for all those who feel the condemnation and damage that our sins have brought into our lives. We try to do good but we fail again and again. We let ourselves down and we let others down. To make matters worse, many ‘Christian Religion Organizations’ are just feeding the feelings of hopelessness telling people they must not sin or be lost forever in hell. What is the truth about our justification with God according to the Bible?

Faith That Works.
Paul And James Agree.

Is there a contradiction with the writings of Paul and James? Is Salvation by Faith or is it by Faith plus works? Paul’s teachings are very clear that justification with God is not of ourselves in any self righteous works, yet in the writing of James he claims ‘Faith Without Works Is Dead’.

So, which is correct in this well known controversy in the Christian community?

The Real New Covenant Of Grace

Is Salvation by Works? What about the words of Jesus and the Apostle Paul? Are they in conflict? What is the difference between the Old Covenant by the Law of Moses and the New Covenant through Jesus Christ? When did the New Covenant start and why is that so important to understanding Scriptures regarding Salvation?

A Bible Study In Matthew 7

Many pulpits and Christians have greatly misinterpreted Chapter 7 of Matthew and have turned Jesus’ own words into the very opposite of the meaning with proper context of Jesus’ words. Matthew 7 is not teaching that a believer can lose Salvation. This short booklet explains and shows why this is truth by showing proper context and watching the words of Jesus very closely.