Who Told You That God Has A Plan?

Who Told You That God Has A Plan?

We hear all the time when facing difficult situations in life that, well, ‘God has a plan’. Some pulpits are teaching condemnation to believers and that all the bad things in our life are because of our sin and our wrong living. Of course, we certainly do have consequences for our actions – absolutely! That said, God foreknew everything you would do in your life, yet by His loving Grace Jesus still died for all our sins.

Watch as Pastor Jack Hibbs explains that God does have a plan for our life. Trust God in ALL THINGS!

Relaxing With God – Andrew Farley

Relaxing With God – Andrew Farley

Are you frustrated because you are constantly struggling with your performance in life in order to ‘remain saved’? Were you taught that you are saved because of the cross BUT you also need to perform? You need good works after Salvation to ‘stay saved’. If so, prepare yourself for the best news ever!

You know there is one warning God gives to believers that is just so overlooked and never even mentioned by many pulpits and that is this warning:

Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into HIS REST, any of you should seem to come short of it.” (Hebrews 4:1 KJV)

With so many pulpits teaching falsely about who God really is and what He accomplished on the cross to save us through His Only Begotten Son, Jesus the Christ, it is refreshing to hear the actually Bible TRUTH!

Watch as Pastor Andrew Farley shows us the TRUTH from the Word of God about true  Salvation and resting in God.

Do You Know Him?

Do You Know Him?

Just who is Jesus? Who is this person that split time from B.C to A.C.? Who is this person that sets people free from the bondage of their sins even to this day? Was Jesus just a “Holy Man”? Was Jesus just a prophet sent from God? Or is He really the Son of the one true living God? Do you know Him? Well, Do You?

Sermon of Dr. S. M. Lockrige

The Bible says my King is a seven way King,

  1. He’s the King of the Jews, that’s a racial King,
  2. He’s the King of Israel, That’s a national King,
  3. He’s the King of righteousness,
  4. He’s the King of the ages,
  5. He’s the King of Heaven.
  6. He’s the King of glory.
  7. He’s the King of Kings and He’s the Lord of Lords.

That’s my King. Well, I wonder do you know Him?

David said the Heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament show His handiwork. My King is a sovereign King. No means of measure can define His limitless love. No far seeing telescope can bring into visibility the coastline of His shoreless supplies. No barriers can hinder Him from pouring out His blessings.

  1. He’s enduringly strong.
  2. He’s entirely sincere.
  3. He’s eternally steadfast.
  4. He’s immortally graceful.
  5. He’s imperially powerful.
  6. He’s impartially merciful.

Do you know Him?

  1. He’s the greatest phenomenon that has ever crossed the horizon of this world.
  2. He’s God’s Son.
  3. He’s a sinner’s Savior.
  4. He’s the centerpiece of civilization.
  5. He stands in the solitude of Himself.
  6. He’s august and He’s unique.
  7. He’s unparalleled.
  8. He’s unprecedented.
  9. He is the loftiest idea in literature.
  10. He’s the highest personality in philosophy.
  11. He’s is the supreme problem in higher criticism.
  12. He’s the fundamental doctrine of true theology.
  13. He is the cardinal necessity for spiritual religion.
  14. He’s the miracle of the age.
  15. He’s He yes He is He is the superlative of everything good that you choose to call Him.
  16. He’s the only one qualified to be an all-sufficient Savior.

I wonder if you know Him today?

  1. He supplies strength for the weak.
  2. He’s available for the tempted and the tried.
  3. He sympathizes and He saves.
  4. He strengthens and sustains.
  5. He’s guards and He guides.
  6. He heals the sick.
  7. He cleansed the lepers.
  8. He forgives sinners.
  9. He discharges debtors.
  10. He delivers the captives.
  11. He defends the feeble.
  12. He blesses the young.
  13. He serves the unfortunate.
  14. He regards the aged.
  15. He rewards the diligent and He beautifies the meager.

I wonder if you know Him?

Well, My King He’s is a key,

  1. He’s the key to knowledge.
  2. He’s the wellspring of wisdom.
  3. He’s the doorway of deliverance.
  4. He’s the pathway of peace.
  5. He’s the roadway of righteousness.
  6. He’s the highway of holiness.
  7. He’s the gateway of glory.

Do you know Him? Well,

  1. His office is manifold.
  2. His promise is sure.
  3. His life is matchless.
  4. His goodness is limitless.
  5. His mercy is everlasting.
  6. His love never changes.
  7. His Word is enough.
  8. His grace is sufficient.
  9. His reign is righteous.
  10. And His yoke is easy.
  11. And His burden is light.

I wish I could describe Him to you but,

  1. He’s indescribable.
  2. He’s incomprehensible,
  3. He’s invincible.
  4. He’s irresistable.


  1. You can’t get him out of your mind.
  2. You can’t you can’t get Him off of your hand.
  3. You can’t outlive him.
  4. And You can’t live without Him.
  1. The Pharisees couldn’t stand Him, but they found out they couldn’t stop Him.
  2. Pilate couldn’t find any fault in Him.
  3. The witnesses couldn’t get their testimonies to agree.
  4. Herod couldn’t kill Him.
  5. Death couldn’t handle Him and the grave couldn’t hold Him.

That’s my King. Do You Know Him?


Published on Jul 23, 2008

Visuals set to the audio of the famous sermon “Seven Way King” (aka That’s My King) as spoken by Dr. S.M. Lockridge.

Dr. S.M. Lockridge was the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego, CA from 1952-1993.

The audio is slightly edited for a better flow in the video. The music in the background was performed live by the GCC band while the video played on the screens. It then led directly into the worship song “Here is Our King” (To see the performance in it’s entirety go here: gccwired.com/mediaplayer/playeropener.asp?id=478 ) Created entirely using After Effects with footage from the movie “The Passion of the Christ”. The video took 30 hours to create plus around 6 hours of rendering. The final After Effects project file totaled well over 600 layers.

Bible Study Videos: Jack Hibbs

Jack Hibbs is the Founder and Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills located in Southern California. Jack’s teachings are heard on many international radio stations throughout Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia, and throughout the Hawaiian Islands. He is best known for his passionate, expositional teachings. Pastor Jack and his wife, Lisa have been married for over thirty years. He, his wife, and family live in Southern California.

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Bible Study Videos: Dr. Kent Hovind

DrKentHovindDr. Kent Hovind is known as Dr. Dino in the Christian Community. He believes the Darwinian explanation of the origins of man is not only wrong but dangerous. The Word of God is True! The Bible teaches clearly that God made the world in six days about 6000 years ago. Dr. Hovind taught Science and math in high school for 15 years. The goal of his ministry is to use all the available scientific evidence to strengthen your faith in God’s Word and to bring you to Christ if not saved.

Visit His Ministry Website


Bible Study Videos: Learn The Bible in 24 Hours Series, Chuck Missler

Dr. Chuck Missler (RIP) is an internationally known author, is among the best-known Bible expositors in the world, and is a prominent speaker on the subject of Bible prophecy and is featured on many Christian radio and television stations worldwide. He is well known for his Biblical studies including this video series,  Learn the Bible in 24 Hours.

May 2018:  Dr. Chuck Missler has passed into his real home, Heaven. RIP! May his teachings continue reaching the lost and encouraging believers until the day we go to be home with the Lord. Thank you Chuck. You will be very missed!

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Bible Study Videos By Chuck Missler

Dr. Chuck Missler (RIP) is an internationally known author, is among the best-known Bible expositors in the world, and is a prominent speaker on the subject of Bible prophecy and is featured on many Christian radio and television stations worldwide. He is well known for his Biblical studies including most notably Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, The Book of Revelation, The Book of Genesis, and The Book of Daniel, as well as his topical studies Return of the Nephilim and his Angels series.

May 2018:  Dr. Chuck Missler has passed into his real home, Heaven. RIP! May his teachings continue reaching the lost and encouraging believers until the day we go to be home with the Lord. Thank you Chuck. You will be very missed!

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STUDY REVELATION…. 24 Video Series Playlist:

View over 100 of Chuck Missler’s Excellent Bible Study Videos on our YouTube Channel

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Prophecy Bible Study Videos By Walid Shoebat

Walid Shoebat is a Palestinian American, born in the West Bank to an American mother, who converted to Christianity from Islam. He has brought to light important End Time truths in the End Times in which we live. His website is focused on rescuing persecuted Christians. Rescue Christians is not a church, it’s a mission to save Christian lives.

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⇒ View more of  Bible Study videos at the SeekKnockFind YouTube channel.

Prophecy Bible Study Videos By Bill Salus

Bill Salus is the author of Revelation Road; Hope Beyond The Horizon, ISRALESTINE; The Ancient Blueprints of the Future Middle East, and co-author of “How To Overcome The Most Frightening Issues You Will Face This Century” Both of his timely books take exhaustive and adventurous looks at unfulfilled Bible prophecies intended for today’s international audience. Bill is an expert at explaining the prophetic relevance of current Middle East and world events, and his freelance articles have been featured on World Net Daily, magazines, and extensively over the World Wide Web. Readers appreciate his unique insights, and sensible, rather than sensational approach to understanding the Bible.

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⇒ View more of  Bible Study videos at the SeekKnockFind YouTube channel.