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Dr. Ralph “Yankee” Arnold accepted Jesus Christ as his personal savior at the age of 18. The major thrust of Dr. Arnold’s ministry is soul winning. He is known for his clear presentation of the gospel and his fervent appeal for sinners to be saved. His sermons challenge and motivate Christians to win souls as a result of yielding their lives to Christ. As an evangelist, he speaks out clearly and unmistakably on the issues that effect fundamentalists, warning against compromise with liberals and modernists.
⇒ View more of Bible Study videos at the SeekKnockFind YouTube channel.
Andrew Farley is host of Andrew Farley LIVE, a live call-in radio program that is broadcast in all 50 states and throughout Canada each Sunday on Sirius XM. He also hosts a religion blog at The Huffington Post. Andrew serves as president of Andrew Farley Ministries, a non-profit media ministry dedicated to helping people understand the grace of God.
⇒ View more of Bible Study videos at the SeekKnockFind YouTube channel.
Dr. Cucuzza has served as the pastor of Northland Bible Baptist Church since 1981. The church continues to grow under his leadership, and the church has many different ministries and outreaches. He believes strongly in expository preaching and teaching, and has taught the majority of the Bible verse by verse. In 2006 he received his doctorate in theology from Solid Rock Theological Seminary. Dr. Cucuzza is also an adjunct faculty member at Dayspring Bible College and Seminary in Lake Zurich, IL., where he has taught several courses dealing with pastoral ministry.
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⇒ View more of Bible Study videos at the SeekKnockFind YouTube channel.
Ex Islamic terrorist and PLO member, Walid Shoebat, reveals critical links between Islam and the Bible’s prophetic timeline, explaining current events as disturbing signs of the Last Days… Talks about Israel, Greece, Turkey, Islam, America, Antichrist.
Open up your Eyes, your Heart and your Mind and Watch this Video. Don’t ask your imam or mullah, he’ll tell you that this is the work of kuffar or the devil, but rather think about it logically, time to start thinking for yourself.
Do you know that one of the biggest signs that the world has entered the Biblical time period known as ‘ The End Times’ and ‘ The Last Days’ before the return of Jesus Christ has ALREADY OCCURRED? Well, it has! Israel becoming a nation again and recapturing Jerusalem was all prophesied in the bible. We are living in that generation that will see the end of the Age of God’s Grace and the start of the Biblical period knows as The Tribulation Period. Watch this Video By Well Known Bible Prophecy Expert, Chuck Missler (RIP), on Matthew 24: 32-34, Jeremiah 31:10-11. Isaiah 35:1)
If God made us a NEW CREATION in Christ and we are now the righteousness of God, IN CHRIST (2 Cor. 5), why do we still struggle with sin? If we are right now as believers ‘complete in Christ’ (Colossians 2), why do we still sin? What is this struggle IN OUR MIND between good and evil still hounding us.
You see, in the Spirit believers have been recreated. Believers are Born Again in the Spirit (John 3, Colossians 2, Romans 6, Ephesians 1:13-14) from the very moment of our belief on Christ and His once for all sacrifice for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2). Yet, our bodies have not yet been reborn and recreated. That will not happen until resurrection day when our bodies will be transformed into the very image of Christ. Glorified without sin forever. And so, our thought processes and beliefs in r mind still have a sinful bent. Apostle Paul tells us that our number one goal as believers is to RENEW OUR MIND by the Word of God. Renewing our mind and changing our mind about everything according to the truth of God’s Word is the very definition of the word REPENT. Because, if we believe right in the mind, that works outwardly into our lives.
Watch as Pastor Dr. Ralph Yankee skillfully shows by the Word of God the truth and reason believers still struggle with sin.
False Gospel teaching is rampant in these last days. Mainstream Christianity is focusing and teaching a ‘works for salvation’ false Gospel. A false gospel that Apostle Paul fought so hard against during his ministry. Apostle Paul warned us, living in these last days, that this false gospel would spread and diminish the true power and witness of people for the true saving Gospel of Salvation Through Jesus Christ and His FINISHED work of the cross; the forgiveness of all sins and receiving a new created born again Spirit.
I came across this video by Pastor Stephen Armstrong (RIP 2021) and he did a great job explaining how to acknowledge and not be fooled by false teaching on the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Stephen Armstrong exposes several common techniques used by false teachers to mislead. A teaching presented at the 2017 VBVMI Bible Conference held in San Antonio, Texas, on October 13-14, 2017.
The word ‘REPENT’ in the Bible does not have the same definition as today’s modern dictionary, yet so many pulpits are using the dictionary definition and it turns the Gosel into a ‘works for Salvation’ false Gospel message! In this extensive look into the Word of God, Tom Stegall clarifies the Biblical meaning of repentance, which is one of the most misunderstood concepts in the Bible. Find out the true meaning of repentance according to the Word of God.
Through his radio program this man of God has reached countless people with the Gospel and even after his passing, his radio ministry is still as powerful and string as ever. In one of his last sermons before his passing, knowing his death was near, he warns us all about the heresy of what is known as ‘Lordship Salvation’. A moving video. Always to be remembered.