Romans 8:28-30. Who is the called? Who is the predestinated?

Romans 8:28-30. Who is the called? Who is the predestinated?

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called ACCORDING TO HIS PURPOSE. For whom he did FOREKNOW, he also DID predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom he DID predestinate, them he also called: and whom he called, them he also justified: and whom he justified, them he also glorified.” (Romans 8:28-30 KJV)

This is a very powerful passage. Apostle Paul wrote this and He also wrote basically the same truth in his letter to the Ephesians in the first chapter of Ephesians in the New Testament.

Who exactly is “the called” in this passage? What exactly is ‘his purpose’? Well, we just need to look at each point of the passage and the the truth is very clear.


God foreknew all that would accept the gift of salvation. God lives outside of time because HE CREATED TIME. For us living inside of time it is hard for us to grasp but for God He sees all time as the forever now. That is He is the first and the last, the Alpha and the Omega. God is not a created being. He ALWAYS existed, otherwise He is not God you see?

“I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.” (Revelation 1:8 KJV)

That is why the two words “I AM” in reference to God is so important. Not He was, not He will be; “I AM”. God lives in the forever present and sees every moment of all of time from the beginning of time to the end of time because God created time. He lives outside of time and inside of time. God created time, space and matter. The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ is the part of the Triune God that created all THINGS in the universe. In John 1, we see that the Word was God. Notice that it is capitalized as “Word”. Why? Because it is a name. Later we see who this Word actually is; Jesus, the Christ.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made…And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth. John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.” (John 1:1-3..14-15 KJV)

So God foreknew, before He created time, space and matter, ALL THINGS CREATED and ALL THINGS that would happen. He created all time, space and matter and He also foreknew who would accept Christ as saviour and Lord in acceptance of the gift of salvation Jesus would one day in time purchase (John 3:14-18).


Knowing who would in one moment in time, accept Christ in belief, God predestined those in salvation. That is, He CALLED THEM and appointed to them and ordained them to receive all that comes with that gift of salvation. God reserved them from before time began and reserved them who would receive Him and choose Him, in salvation. Understand that God created each of us with a FREE WILL and it is not that God ordained us to be condemned to hell or to enter Heaven through salvation in Christ. In fact, Scripture tells us that the lake of fire was not created for humankind but for the devil and his fallen angels.

“Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:” (Matthew 25:41 KJV)

God knew all that would happen and He is using everything to His purpose. And His purpose is to save as many people as would believe. We are the ones that make the choice to accept the gift of salvation in belief or reject salvation in unbelief.

Before the creation of the universe and humankind God drew a dividing line in the free will of humankind. This dividing line is that every person must choose a side. Choose Christ in belief and live. Choose the devil in unbelief and you will die and end up where he is going. The devil wants us to use PRIDE and be our own god. God wants us to be humble and choose Him. That is the dividing line in humanity.


This passage reads that God CALLED us and even though we have free will to believe or reject salvation through Christ Jesus, God is the one that creates the situations in our life to bring us to the moment of decision regarding which side we will choose. It is God that reveals who Jesus really is to a person (Matthew 16:15-18 ). God does all that He can to keep our free will intact in this process, in fairness and justice, that each person will accept Him; knowing  those who will and will not. He loves us so much that as Peter wrote,

“The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, NOT WILLING that any should perish, but that ALl SHOULD come to repentance.” (2 Peter 3:9 KJV)

The English translated word “repentance” is defined by the Bible as ‘change of mind”. Change of mind about what? Change of mind about how we are justified by God, not by works but by grace through faith (Eph. 2:8-9).


Because of Jesus’ once for all blood sacrifice atonement for all sins on the cross (Hebrews 10:10, 1 John 2:2), all who will accept this great free gift of salvation through belief on Christ (John 3:18) are deemed justified and righteous before God. In fact, God made all who will believe on Christ for righteousness (1 Cor. 15:1-4), complete in Christ (Colossians 2:10) and the very righteousness of God, in Christ (2 cor. 5:21), and has ALREADY sealed them in salvation (Eph. 2:8-9, 4:30) and given them ETERNAL LIFE (John 3:14-17, Colossians 2). Colossians 2 shows a present event takes place when a person believes on Christ for salvation and righteousness. Yet, it reads that at this present event in time, God foreknew we would believe on Christ and so 2000 years ago in the past tense, such a person WAS placed on the cross WITH CHRIST and it explains what happens to the person in the present tense moment they believed. Watch the tense of the words to see this truth!

“And YE ARE (present tense) complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power: In whom also YE ARE (present tense) circumcised with the circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ: Buried WITH HIM (past tense) in baptism, wherein also YE ARE (present tense) risen with him through the faith of the operation of God, who HATH (past tense) raised him from the dead. And you, BEING (present tense) dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, HATH HE  quickened together WITH HIM (past tense), having FORGIVEN you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that WAS (past tense) against us, which WAS (past tense) contrary to us, and took it out of the way, NAILING IT TO HIS CROSS (past tense); And having spoiled principalities and powers, he MADE (past tense) a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.” (Colossians 210-15 KJV, added parentheses for tense of words & clarity)

This is how God glorified believers in the Spirit.

This is why we see Jesus’s words during His Earthly first coming ministering to the Jewish people in a manner saying ‘all that the Father give me’ such as in John 6 (KJV),

“35 And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: HE THAT COMETH TO ME shall never hunger; and he THAT BELIEVETH ON ME shall never thirst.”

We each have a choice to make to accept Christ as Messiah and Savior or reject Him in unbelief. This clearly shows a CHOICE we each must make.

“36 But I said unto you, That ye also have seen me, and believe not. 37 All THAT THE FATHER GIVETH ME SHALL COME TO ME; and him THAT COMETH to me I will in no wise cast out.”

Jesus is saying that only those that BELIEVE He is the Son of God, the Messiah foretold to come, will be saved and never cast out. Yet, it also reads only those the ‘Father giveth me’. This is the foreknowledge we see in Romans 8:28-30 and Ephesians 1. To those who believe on Christ for righteousness are predestinated to all the benefits of having received the gift of salvation.

“38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me. 39 And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:36-40 KJV)

And one day, at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture of church age believers, a believer’s physical body and mind will be changed, and become perfection with a new resurrected glorified body like Jesus now has. Only Spirit and mind and body that is perfected can enter what we know as Heaven. Sinless perfection is able to enter the New Heavenly Jerusalem, in bodily form. Our Spirit is already perfected from the moment we believed on Christ for righteousness (Eph. 1:13-14, Hebrews 10:14). When a believer physically dies, their Spirit is already in Christ and heaven ready. But our body is still corrupt with this thing, a noun called SIN, until our body is resurrected (1 Cor. 15:50). That is why we need our body resurrection.

Some are using Romans 8 and Ephesians 1 and teaching Calvinism; that God foreordained some to heaven and others to hell and that what they choose in life does not matter because God created some for heaven and others for hell which is unchangeable. This is complete heresy and turns God into a liar. God loves us far beyond anything we can imagine but He gave us a free will to choose him or choose the devil. God set the dividing line. God does EVERYTHING POSSIBLE to setup life circumstances so that each person has the opportunity to come to salvation through belief on Christ. He is long suffering so that none should perish and end up in the lake of fire. He sent His only begotten Son to die and take the wages of our sin upon Himself (Romans 6:23) so that we can be with Him forever. Yet, our free will matters to God and we each must choose which side of the dividing line we will be on at our death. The dividing line has been set from before the universe was even created. Before time was created. Before matter was created. Jesus stated so clearly,

“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18 KJV)

Choose wisely. Choose God. Choose to accept Christ and His gift of salvation by belief on Him alone, in faith alone. Be humble not pride. it will change your life forever.

Are you saved yet? Are you sure?

> Learn About Salvation & How To Get Saved <

Brief Overview Of Two Groups Of Believers

Brief Overview Of Two Groups Of Believers

The Pre-Tribulation Harpazo (Rapture) Of Church Age Believers.

Jesus The Christ is coming back to Earth TWICE. (John 14:1-3, 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Titus 2:13. ) First at the Pre-Tribulation Rapture, for His Bride; the saved in our current dispensation of grace, where believers are taken off Earth in a twinkling of an eye, to meet Him in the air, to be with the Lord forever (1 Thessalonians 5:9-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Titus 2:13). Second at His Second Coming when He places His foot on Earth when those previously Raptured return with Him to Earth to setup His Earthly 1000 rule of Earth in the Kingdom Age to come. The Kingdom Age of Christ is predicted to be a 1000-year time of peace when Jesus himself will rule over all the nations in perfect righteousness. (Revelation 1:7, Isaiah 11:4-5, Psalm 46:9, Isaiah 2:4)

The Second Coming Of Jesus, The Christ, To Earth

Our Lord Jesus Christ will bodily return to rescue Israel at Armageddon and to establish His 1000 year Kingdom Age on Earth. This future time period we see Christ reigning over this earth from David’s throne in Jerusalem. Old Testament Saints and those martyred during the Tribulation Period for their belief on Christ and refusal of the Antichrist Mark of the Beast, will be bodily resurrected at the Second Coming event of Christ and will be Priests on Earth. Survivors of the Tribulation Period who refused the Mark in belief on Christ (The Sheep in Matthew 25) will repopulate the Earth during the Kingdom Age in mortal bodies.

Matthew 24 and 25 Is Not About Church Age Believers (The Bride Of Christ). It is about the Tribulation Period and After Until The Second Coming Event.

Matthew 24 and 25 is Jesus answering the disciples question about when the Kingdom Age and Christ’s Second Coming will be. The disciples only understood the 1000 year Kingdom Age on Earth after Messiah took control of the world. This is the prophecies they knew and what they looked forward to; The Kingdom Age on Earth with Christ ruling and reigning on the Earth in the future.

The disciples at that time in Matthew 24 and 25, knew nothing about an event called the Harpazo nor what we refer to as The Pre-Tribulation Rapture of Church Age believers. We know this because Paul was given this information from the risen Christ and he described the Harpazo Rapture as a mystery, not yet revealed to humankind. It was new information not known!

Paul describes the Pre-Tribulation Rapture in 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:1-8, Titus 2:13. So the disciples were not asking Jesus when the Rapture, the great snatching off Earth of believers, would be. They were asking about only what they knew which was The Kingdom Age to come on the Earth. In fact, Old Testament Saints have a destination at their resurrection at Second Coming of being on Earth as PRIESTS. Church Age believers will be returning to Earth with Christ at the Second Coming. Their destination and eternal home at their bodily resurrection at the Rapture Event is the HEAVENLY New Jerusalem, the place Jesus went to prepare for us (John 14) which will be in space hovering at a distance above the Earth (Scripture tells us it will be the light for the world as the sun was darkened.)

Old Testament Saints & those martyred during the Tribulation Period on Earth are bodily resurrected as The Second Coming of Christ to Earth occurs and will reside on the Earth as priests. The Bride Of Christ, Church Age Believers, will reside in the Heavenly New Jerusalem, not on Earth. These will go too and from Earth during the 1000 year Kingdom Age as Kings and Priests.) Old Testament saints are not mentioned as Kings during the time period of the Kingdom Age on Earth.

The survivors of the Great Tribulation (last 3 1/2 years of 7 year Tribulation Period) are the Sheep and Goats of Matthew 25. This is not about Church Age believers nor the Bride Of Christ. The sheep helped others in need because they refused the Mark Of the Beast and refused to worship him or his image. They visited those imprisoned. Help feed each other etc. The goats were the ones that took the Mark of the Beast and worshipped him. They turned in those who refuse the mark. They persecuted the sheep believers. They imprisoned them. They refused to sell the sheep goods and food etc.

At the Second coming we see the Sheep and Goats Judgment of the survivors of the Tribulation Period. The sheep will repopulate the Earth in mortal bodies. The goats will be killed by Christ and will one day be found at The Great White Throne Judgment of the unbelieving, wicked.

Matthew 24 and 25 is all about Israel and those living during the Tribulation Period and after (Matthew 24:29). Even the Parable of the Ten Virgins is NOT about the Bride of Christ, nor the Rapture. The very first word in Matthew 25 is the English word ‘THEN’. So when… is the then? We go backward into Matthew 24 to verse 29, ‘after the tribulation of those days’. It is about the Virgins (always referred too as Israel in the Bible) and Bridesmaids (not the Bride of Christ). The Five wise virgins remained in belief of Christ to come, refusing the Antichrist and his mark to buy and sell. They have to endure Antichrist persecution until the end and remain in belief or be lost. The other five virgins fell and worshipped the beast and took the Mark to buy and sell. They did not endure in belief and will end up taking the Mark of Antichrist and will be refused entry to the 1000 year Kingdom Age on Earth.

The Second Coming Of Jesus, The Christ, To Earth

Our Lord Jesus Christ will bodily return to rescue Israel at Armageddon and to establish His 1000 year Kingdom Age on Earth. This future time period we see Christ reigning over this earth from David’s throne in Jerusalem. Old Testament Saints and those martyred during the Tribulation Period for their belief on Christ and refusal of the Antichrist Mark of the Beast, will be bodily resurrected at the Second Coming event of Christ and will be Priests on Earth. Satan and his fallen angels will be locked up in chains of darkness in the Abyss (Rev. 20), no longer able to interfere with human civilization for 1000 years. Survivors of the Tribulation Period who refused the Mark of the beast  on their hand or forehead, in belief on Christ (The Sheep in Matthew 25) will repopulate the Earth during the Kingdom Age in mortal bodies. Christ will rule and reign on Earth and restore the Earth to the conditions before the fall of humankind. Peace will reign supreme under Christ’s rule.

The End Of The 1000 Year Kingdom Age To Come In The Future

At the end of the Kingdom Age in the future, there will be a final rebellion as Satan and his fallen angels are released from the Abyss for a short while (Rev. 20:7). All who oppose Christ will be killed and the Great White Throne Judgment of all unbelievers from all of time who rejected Christ will take place. Those found at this judgment seat will be found guilty because they never trusted in Christ by faith for salvation and are not found in the Lamb’s Book Of Life. During their life, they refused the free gift of salvation and choose to pay for their sins themselves and will be judged by their works (Rev. 20:12) and found guilty and thrown into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 20:15), prepared for the devil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). God will create a new heavens and new earth.

Two Groups Of Believers and Two Destinations Of Believers When Resurrected

Old Testament Saints looked forward to the time when Messiah would one day come and be the final payment for sins. This belief kept them saved and animal sacrifices in the Temple, year after year, covered their sins until the Messiah would come and be that final blood sacrifice for sins. The animal sacrifices never paid for their sins, but only covered them as a remembrance of how terrible sin is. It was a foreshadowing of what the Messiah, the Christ would one day accomplish on the cross (Hebrews 10). It was their belief in the foretold Messiah coming that kept them saved until their physical death. They had to remain in belief to remain saved. The Holy Spirit did not permanently indwell Old Testament Saints as we see David show in Psalm 51:11. After the Harpazo Rapture of Church Age believers, the dispensation of grace will end and a new dispensation time period will begin. God will turn back to Israel to save them. During the Tribulation Period the temple will be rebuilt and the animal sacrifices will start up again (all preparations for this are ready today in Israel!). The Holy Spirit will work as in Old Testament times and no one will be permanently saved and born again in the Spirit from the moment of their belief (Eph 1:13-14) as is the case in The Church Age dispensation of grace that we live in. That is why we see the Parable of the Ten Virgins in Matthew 25, the 5 unwise are Tribulation believers who fail to remain in belief that Christ is coming again, who will instead take the Mark of the Beast.  They will become goats and be judged (Matthew 25).

The Body Of Christ membership is anyone who, during the Church Age, from Pentecost to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture event, that believes on Christ for salvation apart from our works but by trusting in the finished work of Christ on the cross . This is by grace through faith and not of ourselves nor our good works (Ephesians 2:8-9). A person who believes the Gospel of Grace Salvation is from that very moment of belief, indwelt by the Holy Spirit and SEALED in salvation until the Pre-Tribulation Rapture (the day of our bodily resurrection), and that means forever (Eph. 1:13-14). God MADE such a person a NEW CREATED BEING in the Spirit that was MADE by God the righteousness of God, in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17-21). A truth that even many believers do not understand! The most amazing truth!

God Has Something Special In Mind For Each Group Of Believers

Old Testament Saints were promised by God and were looking forward to what God promised them; an Earthly Kingdom with Messiah ruling and reigning in Earth. This is the destination when they are bodily resurrected at the Second Coming of Christ. This is what we refer to today as the future 1000 year Millennium Kingdom on Earth. The Temple animal sacrifices will take place during the 1000 year Kingdom Age on Earth (Ezekiel 45:13 – 46:15). The Law of Moses never ended but was only paused for the Church Age we now live in. This Church Age was a mystery not known until Jesus sent Paul on that road to Damascus. That is why the Disciples were shocked when Jesus said He was going to leave so the Holy Spirit would come and be the comforter (John 16:1-7) as they thought He would setup the Kingdom Age right then. The truth by Scripture is that The Law of Moses will continue in the Kingdom Age on Earth. Remember that the people will be mortal on Earth except for the Old Testament Saints and Martyred Tribulation Saints who are to be priests on Earth (Rev. 20:6) when they are resurrected at the Second Coming Of Christ, as He places His feet on the Earth on the Mount of Olives in Israel (Zechariah 14:4). Life in the Kingdom Age is described with animal sacrifices in place in the rebuilt cleansed Temple, as a remembrance and acknowledgement of their sin, which they will still have in mortal bodies. The purpose of the Law remains  even today, as a mirror showing us our sins (1 Timothy 1:8-10) and how we cannot perfectly keep all the Law (James 2:10). Those born during this time period will have Christ ruling on Earth and an amazing peaceful environment, untouched by Satan and his angels who will be locked in the Abyss. They will be taught what Christ did on the cross. What many believers today fail to understand is that The Law of Moses will be in place in the Kingdom Age and Jesus will rule with a “rod of iron” (Rev. 19:15).

The Bride Of Christ, The Body Of Christ, is promised by God and are looking forward to a different destination called The Heavenly New Jerusalem (Rev. 21). This is a real physical place in our universe as it has physical dimensions of 1500 miles cubed. This place is the place Jesus promised us believers in Christ,

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.” (John 14:2-3 KJV)

This amazing physical and Spiritual place is the permanent home of the Bride Of Christ which will be hovering above the Earth in the Heavens (space) somewhere above the Earth as it gives light to the Earth at that time (Rev. 21:23-24). It is described in Revelation 21. There will be no TEMPLE IN IT (Rev. 21:22). No temple means no animal sacrifices because those residing in this place are the redeemed. We will be going back and forth to the camp on Earth, the Earthly Jerusalem and will be Kings and Priests. Old Testament Saints resurrected will be priests but the Body of Christ will be Kings and Priests. Two separate groups.

Why Will There Be Animal Sacrifices In The Kingdom Age On Earth?

Those on Earth will still have a sinful nature and will be mortal beings that can sin and can die. In the Old Testament times, God had showed the perfection of His character and Law. A Law no one could keep perfectly and kept them looking forward to the Messiah to save them from this. In the Church Age we now live in, God is showing us the ultimate goodness of His Grace, not under the Law but under eternal salvation by belief on Christ and His finished work on the cross and his rising again (1 Cor. 15:1-4). Scripture shows that in the 1000 Year Kingdom Age, the people on Earth at that time will have both simultaneously. Both the Law and animal sacrifices showing those born in the Millennium Kingdom how terrible sin is and their need to believe on Christ’s payment for sin and will receive God’s amazing grace.


The True Salvation Equation

The True Salvation Equation

Do you know for sure that you are going to Heaven when you die physically?

If not, then you have not heard the true Gospel of salvation from the BIBLE.

God’s Salvation Equation:

FAITH is BELIEF that Jesus is the foretold Messiah, the Christ, The only begotten Son of God, who is God come as human through the Virgin birth. Not born in sin, and who lived a sinless life and died on the cross paying for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2) and who rose again. FAITH IN HIS FINISHED WORK.


– Good Works=Salvation
– Faith+Good Works=Salvation
– Salvation Is Conditional On How We Live After Belief On Christ

John 3:14-17, John 6:36-40, Ephesians 1:13-14, 1 Cor. 5:17-21, Colossians 2, Ephesians 2:8-9 , Acts13:38-39, Romans 3:20, Romans 3:28, Romans 4:4-5. Romans 5:15-19, Romans 6:23, Romans 8:2, Philippians 3:9, Matthew 7:22-23, 1 Cor. 15:1-4, 2 Corinthians 1:22, Ephesians 4:3., Galatians 1:6-8, Galatians 2:16, Galatians 3:1-12, Galatians 5:4-5 etc.)


– Faith+Nothing=Salvation+No Works Required To Remain Saved.
– Faith+GoodWorks=Salvation +Rewards For Good Works

1 Corinthians 3:10-15, 1 Corinthians 9:24, etc.)


Salvation is a GIFT OF GOD, not a REWARD EARNED by our good works. By belief on Christ’s finished work on the cross our old sinful Spirit of Adam, Spirit of man, DIED on the cross with Christ and God, BY IMPUTATION, recreated us in The Spirit to The Spirit of God and forgave any sin in our entire life (past/present/future), and God MADE US the righteousness of God, in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17-21, Colossians 2, Romans 6). It is ALL CHRIST’s WORK…NOT OURS.

After Salvation, that is FROM Salvation, good works flow outwardly FROM our new Spirit being UNTO good works (Romans 2:10), not to remain saved, but from our NEW BORN AGAIN ETERNALLY saved Spirit (John 3).

Without Christ abiding in us, our works will not matter for the Gospel.
Jesus said,

“3 Now YE ARE CLEAN through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 ABIDE IN ME, AND I IN YOU. As the branch CANNOT bear fruit of itself, except it abide in THE VINE; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for WITHOUT ME YOU CAN DO NOTHING.” (John 15: 3-5 KJV)

Do not take this as my opinion. Read the Scripture references.

John 5:28-29 Does good works determine salvation?

John 5:28-29 Does good works determine salvation?

Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice, And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation.” (John 5:28-29 KJV)

What is the ‘done good’ and ‘done evil’ in these two verses? Some use these two verses, ignore context, and make a doctrine of false works for salvation and that is simply not the truth of John 5.

No person is good enough for Heaven by our own self righteous efforts and good works.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately WICKED: who can know it?” (Jer. 17:9 KJV)

No one has done anything good enough in God’s eyes to save ourselves. All our perceived self righteousness is as filthy rags to our perfect Holy God (Isaiah 64:6). Jesus said that ‘our many wonderful works’ will not save us (Matthew 7:15-23). Apostle Paul taught our works do not save us and thinking so is boasting in the sin of pride (Eph. 2:8-9).

The truth is that those who reject the Lord’s sacrifice as full payment of their sins (1 John 2:2), can only do evil in God’s view, regardless of how many good works they do.

The ‘those who do good’ are believers. They have been born again in the Spirit, all sins paid in full. In Spiritual union with Christ (Eph. 2:10, Eph. 1:13-14), with the Holy Spirit indwelling, it is Christ abiding in us that enables a believer to BEAR good fruit as a branch, not a vine (John 15). These are the only good works acceptable to God. This is the ‘good’.

Those that ‘do evil’ are those rejecting Christ for salvation. Their good works do not pay the wages of sin (Romans 6:23).

“Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3 KJV)

“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:16-18 KJV )

John 3 is just before John 5. They do not and cannot contradict. Context matters.

Does Romans 2:13 Refute The Eternal Security Of The Believer?

Does Romans 2:13 Refute The Eternal Security Of The Believer?

“(For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified.”
(Romans 2:13 KJV)

Those refuting the Eternal Security of the Believer will point o his one verse to state a doctrine that salvation is not by belief alone on Christ crucified and His rising from the dead. They use this one verse taken completely out of the context to somehow ‘prove’ that Once Saved Always Saved is false and that works are required to be and remain saved.

But read the entire chapter 2 in Romans and continue reading the book of Romans and we clearly see how false this belief on the one verse is and how it is taken completely out of the context Paul wrote it.

Paul was showing the Jewish people at that time how wrong they are in judging the gentiles for not keeping God’s Holy standard when they themselves could not keep the standard of The Law they proclaimed they kept! The Jewish people and Pharisees were being hypocrites, just as Jesus called them out to be hypocrites in Matthew 23,

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess. Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness. Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity.” (Matthew 23:25-28 KJV).

James wrote,

“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” (James 2:10 KJV)

Apostle Paul taught,

“Knowing that a man is NOT JUSTIFIED by the works of the law, but by the faith of Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Jesus Christ, that we might be justified by the faith of Christ, and NOT BY the works of the law: for by the works of the law shall NO FLESH be justified.” (Galatians 2:16 KJV)

Now go back to Romans 2:12-13 (wrote also by Apostle Paul) and we see a more clear context of verse 13,

“For as many as have sinned WITHOUT LAW shall also perish WITHOUT LAW: and as many as have sinned IN THE LAW shall be judged BY THE LAW; (For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the DOERS of the law shall be justified. (Romans 2:12-13 KJV)

Paul is just making the point that the Jews under the Law would have to keep ALL THE LAW to be justified if they trusted in their belief that keeping he Law made a person righteous. But the truth is, they could not keep all the Law. In fact, NO ONE EVER HAS except Christ Jesus.

Paul goes on in the very next chapter to push again this point; we are justified by faith APART FROM the works of the Law.

“26 To declare, I say, at this time his righteousness: that he might be just, and the justifier of him which believeth in Jesus. 27 Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith. 28 Therefore we conclude that a man is justified by faith WITHOUT THE DEEDS Of THE LAW.” (Romans 3:26-28 KJV)

No one is able to keep the Law. If you fail even once, then you become guilty of it all.

Revelation 3:5: Need more works or lose salvation?

Revelation 3:5: Need more works or lose salvation?

Revelation 3:5

“5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” (Revelation 3:5 KJV)

Some read this one verse and then decide it means that a person needs more works and better works in order to remain saved, otherwise their name will be blotted out of the Book Of Life. THIS IS A VERY WRONG BELIEF! The Context makes this verse actually to mean the very opposite of this false belief. First off, the very same person who wrote down Rev. , Apostle John, also penned this in 1 John 5,

“4 For whatsoever IS BORN OF GOD OVERCOMETH the world: and this is the victory that OVERCOMETH the world, even OUR FAITH. 5 Who is he that OVERCOMETH the world, but he that BELIEVETH THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD?” (1 John 5 KJV)

The English translated word FAITH in this passage is not an action verb, it is a NOUN and in the Greek from Strongs Concordance is:

“πίστις pístis, pis’-tis; from G3982; persuasion, i.e. credence; moral conviction (of religious truth, or the truthfulness of God or a religious teacher), especially reliance upon Christ for salvation; abstractly, constancy in such profession; by extension, the system of religious (Gospel) truth itself:—assurance, belief, believe, faith, fidelity.”

It is simply defined as BELIEVE and in context to belief on Christ for salvation. This Verse 5 of Revelation is a promise for a believer on Christ and also an encouragement to believe on Christ for a person not believing on Christ, to become born again by belief on Christ alone. Read the entire pass and it becomes clearer:

“And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead. 2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God. 3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, AND REPENT. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee. 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” (Rev. 3:1-5 KJV)

We read here a warning to believe on Christ alone for salvation. Why does Jesus find fault with their WORKS? Well, Jesus taught that the way to bear good fruit for God is by abiding in Him and Him abiding is us. In John 15, Jesus taught,

“3 Now YE ARE CLEAN through the word which I have spoken unto you. 4 Abide in me, and I in you. As THE BRANCH CANNOT BEAR FRUIT OF ITSELF, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. 5 I AM THE VINE, YE ARE THE BRANCHES: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: FOR WITHOUT ME YE CAN DO NOTHING.” (John 15 KJV)

In Matthew 7 Jesus taught that people who are focusing on ‘their many wonderful works’ to save them, are not even born again. Christ will on their judgment day tell them that He ‘NEVER KNEW THEM’. Christ was not abiding in them because they never believed on Christ alone for our righteousness (John 3:14-18, 36, 6:37-40). Do you see this truth Jesus taught clearly? No works we do are good enough to save us. The wages for our sins is not good works. The wages for our sin is DEATH (Romans 6:23). In fact all our own righteousnesses are as FILTHY RAGS to God if we are not yet born again. (Isaiah 64:6) Trusting in our own ‘goodness’ in works does not erase our sin debt and that is needed for the Holy Spirit to indwell a born again believer. That is why Jesus said it was important that He die so that the Holy Spirit could come. Jesus paid the sin debt of the whole world on the cross (1 John 2:2) and all who believe on Him has their sin debt eradicated as HIS payment was placed on the believer’s account in belief (2 Cor. 5:21).

Ephesians 1:13-14 and Ephesians 2:8-9 tells us a person is born again and indwelt by the Holy Spirit from the very moment they BELIEVE ON CHRIST ; nothing to do with our goodness nor works. And 2 Cor. 5:17-21 and Ephesians 2:10 states that AFTER we believe on Christ for righteousness, we became a new creation IN CHRIST UNTO good works. We became the very righteousness of God, IN CHRIST. This is because once the Holy Spirit indwells, Christ in IN US, abiding in us as we are abiding in Him (John 15). And so, NOW, once born again, we can bear good fruit for God. My point is a person’s Good Works is as filthy rags before believing on Christ and HIS finished work on the cross. Churches have both saved born again people attending and also unsaved attending. And some of the unsaved THINK they are saved by their good works (Matthew 7:15-23) because they see believers doing good works for God.

Yet, they are not born again by trusting in Christ alone for salvation as a GIFT. A GIFT is never EARNED nor worked to attain nor keep. Otherwise it is not a GIFT. So why is Jesus not happy with the works of the church in Sardis? They fell away from the true Gospel of salvation by belief on Christ and HIS finished work for righteousness and started relying on their good works. It was a progression from a believing Church in the Gospel of Grace to slowly becoming a false Gospel church based on works and not Christ. Jesus wants them to REPENT (change their mind) because that is the road to where the Pharisees in Jesus time on Earth were wrongly believing. It is the sin of Pride. It is Apostate. Jesus warns the Church to get back to the true Gospel of salvation and strengthen the true Gospel belief that still is remaining, as some in the church of Sardis were born again in right belief on Christ alone for salvation and righteousness. Jesus is warning the Church as a whole, before their lamp stand would be taken away completely and they would no longer be a Christian church! The Church false belief in works was taking over the Gospel of Grace for salvation. The church was about to die.

“2 Be watchful, and strengthen the things WHICH REMAIN, THAT ARE READY TO DIE: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.” So this warning is to encourage the unsaved in the Church who were relying on good works for righteousness, to repent and believe the true Gospel of Grace through Christ crucified died and risen. 4 Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. 5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.” (Rev 3:4-5 KJV)

Many many churches in these End Times are just the same. Many have completely fallen, using the name of Christ but teaching against the true Gospel of Christ and focusing on ‘works for salvation’ or ‘works required from salvation to remain saved’. Others, focus on their works more and more and such Churches are about to die as well from God’s perspective. Good works are good! But they have nothing to do with Salvation other than once born again in the Spirit, Christ is abiding in us and we in Him, and the Holy Spirit indwells us. Good works flow outwardly from our new Spirit.

It is Christ living through us and those good works – they are the ones that matter most.

Apostle Paul,

“I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me.” (Gal. 2:20 KJV)

Who “OVERCOMETH” in Revelation 2 and 3? Is it those who do more works or is it all believers from the Church Age?

Who “OVERCOMETH” in Revelation 2 and 3? Is it those who do more works or is it all believers from the Church Age?

First, to understand who ‘he that overcometh’ is in Revelation 2 and 3, we must be using the Biblical definition of who an overcomer actually is. The same John that penned Revelation (yes it is Jesus telling John what to write, but John penned it down) uses the word ‘overcometh’ clearly in 1 John. It is not about a difference of context between 1 John and Revelation 2-3 either as some teach. It is just the opposite I believe. John’s definition is correct and here in Revelation 2 and 3 those who ‘overcometh’ is indeed the believer in Christ and not just a special group of believers who have more works. Here are some context observations as to why I believe this is so.


“11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death.” (Rev. 2:11 KJV)
Here we see who the person that ‘overcometh’. The one who overcometh is the one that will not see the Second Death. So what is the Second Death?
“And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death” (Rev. 20:14 KJV)
This is describing what will happen to those at the Great White Throne judgment of the wicked, unsaved, unborn again, who reject the GIFT of salvation. So the person that ‘overcometh’ is all who have accepted the free gift of salvation by belief on Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4, John 3:14-18, 37-40, Eph 1:13-14, etc.)
This is the Bible’s definition of ‘The Second Death’ which is where all unbelievers will end up, The Lake Of Fire. So this cannot be a correct interpretation and we must apply this truth as stated to Rev 2:11 as well. And when we do, in proper context, we see the meaning cannot be that ‘he that overcometh’ is a believer who has done over the top works. It is telling us that only the overcomer will not be found at the Second Death. Is that by works? If so, than that means this passage in Rev 2 and 3 is teaching the false ‘salvation by works’, or as we know it today as ‘lordship salvation’ and that just cannot be when we take all the passage on salvation. And I know that the person who preached this does not believe in the false ‘works for salvation’ teaching that is so rampant today. I believe he just has not seen the context I am showing that I see.
In Rev 2, avoiding the Second Death, is everyone that is saved. Not just a special group of believers. That is correct context right? Context found in the passage of Rev 2 and 3 itself. If this alone is not convincing enough there is more.


What is the definition of a person who are a ‘sons of God’ in the Bible? Is it any being created by God? Well, no it is not according to Scripture.
In the book of Genesis, we see Angels described as ‘sons of God’ who intermingled with human women and produced offspring called the Nephilim. Why were they called ‘sons of God’? Because a ‘son of God’ is any being that was created by God, as eternal. Not that they always existed, but that they were CREATED BY GOD into an eternal state of being. When Satan and the angels who sided with him in ride against God (their creator!), they fell and became the enemy of God and humankind. They are still eternal beings because that is how God created them. One day they will be cast into the Lake of Fire.
John wrote that,
“But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name.” (John 1:12 KJV)
As a human, only those who BELIEVE on Christ for salvation and have received Him by being born again in the Spirit (John 3) have BECOME ‘sons of God’. Why? Because the VERY MOMENT a person believes on Christ alone (Eph 1:13-14, and not by our works Eph 2:8-9) for righteousness by faith and trust in His once for all sacrificial blood atonement on the cross (Hebrews 10:10) and His rising from the dead (1 Cor, 15:1-4), their Spirit has been RECREATED by God as a NEW CREATION which God MADE the very righteousness of God, IN CHRIST.
“For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might BE MADE the righteousness of God in him.” (2 Cor. 5:21)
This is not anything we work to achieve. Our Spirit is a new created BEING as a believer and it is now an ETERNAL being Heaven bound to be with God forever as a son or daughter in His family. In UNION with Christ and the Father and Holy Spirit (John 17).
Now let’s go back to the book of Revelation 21:7 where it reads clearly,
“He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.” (Rev. 21:7 KJV)
The one who ‘overcometh’ shall be His son. Not just a special group of believers who have more or better works on their belt. In Rev 21, it is all about the place Jesus went to prepare for ALL born again in the Spirit believers (John 14) and where all believers from the Church Age will end up. It is our blessed hope to be Raptured with glorified bodies as Jesus has and live in this place, the HEAVENLY New Jerusalem.
This is the definition of the ‘sons of God’ in Revelation as well then. Do you see what I mean? Not just some special believers who did more works.


Some pulpits are teaching that because the context is different in Revelation 2 and 3,  1 John 5 does not apply. I strongly believe otherwise, especially when we see the context I have shown in observation 1 and 2 above.
Now going back to what I believe is the very definition the Bible is giving for ‘he that overcometh’, found in 1 John. Not just 1 John 5, which is where it is very clear to see what the definition is. But looking at the context just prior in 1 John as well. And we must remember that this is the same John that penned Revelation 2 and 3 we are discussing here. I feel that certainly holds much weight.
John tells us the very purpose of his writing 1 John and it is “so that your joy may be full”. He is refuting the Gnostics that did not believe Jesus is God and that we have been given a new born again recreated Spirit. The joy is knowing that as a born again believer, we are sealed in salvation. We have become the ‘sons of God’ as he wrote in John 1.
In 1 John 5 we see the clearest definition of what the New Testament defines ‘he that overcometh’ is referring too. And it is all believers from the Church Age, not just a special group of believers. John wrote these letter to the various churches in his time of writing as instructed by the risen Christ Jesus our Lord. First, do you think all members of churches are truly believers? Or are some using the lingo and seem to be believers but are not even born again. We find this true in today’s church organizations and it was also true back then when John wrote this. IN fact, he wrote 1 John to refute those teaching falsely among the church. That is how we also must be reading and interpreting Revelation 2 and 3 to see clearly what is being said by Jesus. The churches in Revelation 2 and 3 being discussed by Christ also have meaning of not just the churches of that time, but is a history of the Church of Jesus over time. And we are likely the last churches. Each church discussed have implications for individual believers as well right? So it is important to get the definition of who the overcomers are being discussed.
“For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith. Who is he that OVERCOMETH THE WORLD, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?” (1 John 5:4-5 KJV)
What does the world view believe? They believe in false ‘works for salvation’ to have right standing with God. Even in non Christian religions, it is all about works works works. We are bombarded with this false teaching constantly. The one that overcometh the world is the one that knows the truth. They are overcoming the lies of the devil ruling our current world system. Our ‘many wonderful works’ will not save us (Matthew 15-23) nor will our works keeps us saved (Gal 3, 4:4-5). It is clear however, that as born again believers, we SHOULD have good works because we have been MADE a new creation in the Spirit, created in Christ UNTO good works (Eph 2:10).
HE THAT OVERCOMETH is all true born again believers in Jesus as the Messiah, The Christ, who is God in the flesh, never sinned, and took our sins and paid fro all sins of the whole world and then rose from the dead. By belief on Chris the believer surely has OVERCOME the world. They are Heaven bound. It is the ONLY way a person can overcome the world; trust and belief on Christ.


Jesus said that HE OVERCAME THE WORLD. He did not ever teach that by OUR WORKS WE can overcome the world. In fact, in Matthew 7 Jesus warned sternly that such people will find themselves at the Great White Throne judgment to be condemned because they were never born again in the Spirit by trusting in Him as the foretold Messiah who was to come and be the final payment for sin. In PRIDE they thought they were good enough. Jesus will tell them, “I NEVER KNEW YOU”. Scary words!
Jesus said,
“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33 KJV)
So who are the “he that overcometh”? Jesus or believers? We are only overcomers because we are in union with Christ! We are only

deemed HOLY and righteous (2 Cor. 5:17-21) because we are sealed in union with Christ (Eph. 1:13-14). We are only perfect in the Spirit because we are in union with Christ (Heb. 10:14). We are only complete in Christ because.. yeah, we are in union with Christ, and already risen with Christ (Colossians 2).

It Is Christ in us, the hope of glory you see?


“And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:” (Rev 2:26 KJV)
See that word “AND”? This verse is the only one in Rev 2 and 3, where works will be given a special reward.
There is those who “overcometh”. How? by belief on the testimony of Christ and His death, having paid for our sins and His resurrection. BELIEVERS are all Church Age people who believed on Christ and received the FREE GIFT of being born again in the Spirit.
In this specific verse, it states the one that overcomes AND ALSO “keepth my works unto the end” will be given POWER over the nations on Earth during the 1000 year Kingdom age to come. This is a special reward for a select few exceptional believers.
Two different groups of believers in this one verse and only for a select group of believers – not all believers. The rest of Rev 2 and 3 promises for ‘he that overcometh’ is for ALL Church Age Believers.
This is how I see it with context. Rev 2 and 3 has always been a challenging passage. So many teaching differently about it as well. So far, this is how I see it and believe because of the context.


Psalms 139:16: Is Everything We Do Because God Made Us Do it? Because He Has A Plan?

Psalms 139:16: Is Everything We Do Because God Made Us Do it? Because He Has A Plan?

The King James Bible translation to English reads as,

“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being UNPERFECT; and in thy book all my MEMBERS were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalms 139:6 KJV)

This verse uses the word MEMBERS. Yet, new English translated Bibles use a different English phrase instead and I believe that it changes the intentional meaning of the verse, especially in light of the content of the surrounding verses in Psalms 139.

Here are some of the modern Bible translations of the same verse to show you what I mean:

“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.” (Pslams 139:16 NKJV)


“You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.” (Psalms 139:16 NLT)


“Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalms 139:16 ESV)


“Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” (Psalms 139:16 NIV)


Very different translations right? And when I see this happening, I always rely most on the King James Bible Translation. So what does this verse mean? Does it mean God has created some for heaven and others to hell? That it is God who sets everything we do in our life? Or does it mean that God knew everything that we, by free will, would do during our life?

In this Psalm 139, it is all about David’s physical body that was forming, while hidden in his mother’s womb. The modern translations got it wrong. Even the NKJV translation, which many claim is closest of the new translations to the KJV Bible got this verse wrong. Changing the word MEMBERS in the KJV, or removing it and using phrases instead that seem to be showing a Calvinistic view. The King James translators favoured the word as referring to THE MEMBERS. Many modern translations favour a PRE-PLANNING OF DAYS and some take this to believe that everything we do is not by chance and that we have no decision in what we do during our life. This is a very Calvinistic way of looking at this and again one reason why I stick to the KJV for such discrepancies with newer English translations.

“Remember the former things of old: for I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me, 10 DECLARING the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure:” (Isaiah 46:9-10 KJV)

In verse 10 we read DECLARING the end from the beginning. This seems to be more to the truth. God created time and lives outside of time. God also created us all with a free will. He wants real relationships with His creation. If only looking at this one verse, the new Bible translations for Psalms 139:16, seem to all be teaching that God planned our entire life, as if some were created to not believe. John 3:18 clearly shows that each person must make a FREE WILL DECISION to believe in acceptance of the free gift of salvation. Believing on Christ for righteousness is what the actually will of the Father is (John 6:37-40) for every person God created. Yet, He leaves the decision up to us to live in boastful pride of our works as Paul stated in Ephesians 2:8-9.  (as if it can make us righteous or keep us righteous) OR to believe on Christ for righteousness with God.

“He THAT BELIEVETH ON HIM is not condemned: but he that BELIEVETH NOT is condemned already, because HE HATH NOT BELIEVED in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:18 KJV)

This shows a clear decision of our free will. Ephesians 1 tells us that God FOREKNEW who would accept the free gift of salvation through Christ crucified died , buried and risen, at a MOMENT IN TIME in the life of a person (Eph 1:1-14). And that to those who do accept the free gift of salvation by belief on Christ, they became SEALED in salvation until our bodily resurrection; and so that means for eternity.

“11 In whom also we have obtained an inheritance, being predestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel OF HIS OWN WILL: 12 That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.” (Eph 1:11-12 KJV)

Is this WILL of God to create some for hell and others for Heaven? No. It is just that God FOREKNEW who will accept the gift of salvation by belief on Christ. Jesus said what this WILL OF THE FATHER actually is in John 6 and again it is based on a person BELIEVING ON CHRIST, an act of our own free will decision.

“37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out. 38 For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but THE WILL OF HIM THAT SENT ME. 39 And this is THE FATHER’S WILL which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. 40 And this is THE WILL OF HIM THAT SENT ME, that every one which seeth the Son, AND BELIEVETH ON HIM, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.” (JOHN 6:37-40 KJV)

GOD FOREKNEW from the foundation of the Earth who will accept Christ for righteousness. And all who DO accept the free gift (Romans 5) of salvation by belief on Christ as Messiah, His death and His rising again (1 Cor. 15:1-4) are PREDESTINATED to receive all the promises that God gave us as believers (Eph. 1). Believers become the sons and daughters in God’s family (Gal. 3:26), that are in Spirit UNION with Christ forever (2 Cor. 5:17-21, Colossians 2, John 17), forgiven all sins, and who have become ‘made by the operation of God’ (Colossians 2:12) Heaven bound.

It is by grace we are saved and not our works (Eph. 2:8-9), and once born again have been created IN CHRIST, UNTO good works because we , as believers , have been made a new Spirit which is the righteousness of God, IN CHRIST (Eph 2:10, 2 Cor. 5:17-21).

In Psalms 139, David is just amazed and sharing the truth that before God ever made us HE KNEW US and HE KNEW everything we will do in life. Good news for those who come to belief in Christ because, God also knows the bad stuff in our future, the enemy attacks in our future as well. It gives us great assurance even through the tough times in life that God is right here within us at all times and in all things.

“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. ” (Romans 8:28 KJV)

What a promise for believers! God foreknew all that will happen in our lives. As believers, it should give us hope. David is stating here that God even knew us as He formed us in our Mother’s womb! Even every hair on our heads is known by God showing His great detail and concern for us.

“But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.” (Luke 12:7 KJV)

Yet, even though we all have sinned (Romans 3:23) and all our righteousness works are as filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6), in regards to our righteousness position before our Holy God, Christ still came and died for us so we could be 100% forgiven and MADE BY the operation of God the righteousness of Christ to be able to be with Him in eternity.

We serve a great loving God indeed.



Does A Backslider and an Apostate Have The Same Meaning?

Does A Backslider and an Apostate Have The Same Meaning?

We  hear about Christians who ‘backslide’ from the faith. Some say they have lost salvation. Others say that this is what an Apostate person is. However, when we look at Scripture in context these two things are not the same. A believer who backslides is not an apostate.

A Back Slid Believer

A person that has believed on Christ for salvation, apart from their works, is a born again person in the Spirit and is saved eternally from the moment of belief on Christ (1 Cor. 15:1-4, Eph. 2 :8-9, Eph 1:13-14, John 3:14-18). Some after they are saved fall into a sin, or sins, that leads to a loss of fellowship with God. That is not to say that God has left them, nor that the Holy Spirit has left them. It could be a guilt of such a believer that keeps them from confessing their sin to God. They feel God no longer will want fellowship after committing such a sin. They may turn from God because they fear and are ashamed. Instead, we should run to God and confess the sin and ask God to help us overcome the specific sin. God knows EVERYTHING and He also foreknew what sins you and I would commit before and after our moment of salvation. We cannot hide sin from God. Run to him for help. God will help us. God already forgave all our sins on that cross of Christ (1 John 2:2). Yet, we need to improve and live right for God. We will not doing this perfectly as we still need our minds renewed (Romans 12) and our mind will not be perfectly renewed until our bodily resurrection. But in gratitude, we should be striving to avoid sinning. We will fail at times and we should not deny that fact (1 John 1:10) but we should confess our sins to God, thank Him that He forgave us through the cross of Christ and ask God to help us do better. That is a healthy prayer of truth and faith.

Backsliding can also be a result of a person who, because of life circumstances, has turned from God in their life, after salvation. Does this mean the person has lost salvation? No. Ephesians 1:13-14 tells us that from the moment a person believes on Christ, they are sealed with the indwelling Holy Spirit until the day of our bodily resurrection. At that time, we will be in Heaven already and so this means for eternity. The Holy Spirit works to restore a believer who has back slid from the truth, for them to confess their sin and come back to fellowship with God. We see this in the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The son made the decision to leave the father. The father did not kick him out of the house. While in the world, away from fellow shipping with his father, it brought the son to a place of being with the pigs and finally coming to his senses. He went back home to ask to be a servant in the father’s house, as he felt unworthy to be treated like his son. He came to an end of his self in sinful living, out of fellowship with his father. He confessed to his father. But what did the father do? He seen his son coming from a distance and he ran toward him and embraced him. And then he had a celebration because his son has come back to fellowship. This is our God!

All this to state that a back slid believer is not a person who has lost salvation. For whatever reason, they lost a solid fellowship with God, they lost that close relationship for living with God. They did not lose their salvation.

An Apostate

An Apostate is not a back slid believer. The English translated word ‘APOSTATE’ in Greek is the word ‘apostasia‘.  It is defined as a ‘falling away, to forsake’. When we read this Scripture, the English translated word FORSAKE is this very same word ‘apostasia’.

“And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to G575 forsake G646 Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs.” (Acts 21:21 KJV)

To forsake Moses is to not believe Moses. Apostates are not believers. It is a person who has learned the knowledge of the truth of the Gospel of Salvation, yet when he came right down to it, they decided to NOT BELIEVE. An Apostate is a person that may seem to others as if they are actually a born again believer, yet do not believe the Gospel of salvation without works required. There are some who know the Gospel so clearly that they can teach it, yet they themselves never came to true belief on Christ for their righteousness.

Judas Iscariot is a person that comes to mind in Scripture. Judas lived and travelled with Jesus during His earthly ministry. He was in the inner circle of the disciples who would become known as the Apostles. He was one of the men sent out to the house of Israel, to p reach the good news. So, he could obviously teach the Gospel and knew the Gospel. Yet, in the end he never really believed Jesus was the Son of God. In the end, he was more interested in Jesus becoming leader and tossing out the Romans. He betrayed Jesus with a kiss.

Eventually an Apostate is a person that looks and acts like a believer but the true colours will show them to not be a believer. In 1 John 2, John wrote this,

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. But ye have an unction from the Holy One, and ye know all things. I have not written unto you because ye know not the truth, but because ye know it, and that no lie is of the truth.  Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.  Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also. Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall continue in the Son, and in the Father. And this is the promise that he hath promised us, even eternal life.” (1 John 2:18-25 KJV)

They went out from us. These are not believers who lost salvation and left. They are those who, in the end, never believed even though they were among the believers and talked like them and may have even acted like them. But ACTED is the key word. They were not born again believers.

In 1 John, John is refuting the false teachings of the Gnostics, an enormous heresy in the early church. John tells believers to have NOTHING TO DO WITH APOSTATES and to stay away from them. Why? Because, THEY ARE ANTICHRIST. That means, they look like believers but they are AGAINST CHRIST. They deny that Jesus is the Son of God. They deny Jesus’ deity. We see the same Apostate teachings and religions today. People who use the name of Christ but deny His deity. People who call themselves CHRISTIANS but who deny being born again in the Spirit through belief and trust in Christ and HIS finished work on the cross alone and His rising from the dead (John 3). To them, being a Christian is all about living a Godly life, doing good deeds and being a good person. This is not the Gospel. The Gospel is not by our own efforts, nor our good works before salvation (Eph. 2:8-9), nor our good works after our moment of salvation (Eph 1:13-14, Galatians 3, 5:4-5). Salvation and a born again Spirit is only by BELIEF ON CHRIST and HIS FINISHED work on the cross and His rising from the dead.

Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” (1 Cor. 15:1-4 KJV)

Believing that our works has anything to do with how we are born again in the Spirit is called BOASTING in pride by Apostle Paul,

“For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians 2:8-10 KJV)

Having good works in love of others is a good thing, but it will never make a person righteous before God. Only AFTER a person trusts on Christ’s blood atonement sacrifice on the cross , having paid for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2), and His rising from the dead, will our good works count FROM our new Spiritual state of righteousness that God MADE US (2 Cor,. 5:17-21). This is what Paul is stating here. Works do not save us. God’s grace through faith in the FREE GIFT Of GOD by belief on Christ saves us. As a GIFT, it is unmerited. It is unearned. We do not earn gifts, we accept or reject a gift. By believing on Christ we have accepted the free gift of salvation as Paul had just stated earlier in Eph 1:13-14. Verse 10 then explains that good works will flow from our new born again Spirit. We are HIS workmanship, CREATED in Christ, UNTO good works. But the works are not what saves us, nor makes us a righteous person. So, as believers we should have good works because we had a heart transplant. We have a new Spirit which is fully redeemed and as righteous to the Father as Christ is. Good works after salvation do not keep us saved though (Gal. 3, 5:4-5).

An enormous truth that many Christians have not known nor believe but that Apostle Paul stated,

For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
(2 Cor. 5:21 KJV)

Notice BE MADE. Who is doing the making? Us by our works? Paul says no in Ephesians 2:8-9 and so the answer is a resounding no! GOD MADE US! All our sins have been paid in full. Our Spirit is now the righteousness of God, because we are in Christ and Christ is in us. A perfect union which Jesus prayed for us in John 17 and that Paul explains in detail in Colossians 2. Two passages, that if you have not read, go read; SUCH A BLESSING TRUTH!

Jesus taught the same in Matthew 7 and gave a great warning to those who are not born again, but are using Jesus’ name in their false teaching. They are FALSE PROPHETS among true believers. They look like believers. Their works are good looking. They talk the talk but do not believe the Gospel. They are Apostates who are actually not believers, though they may think they are. Jesus warns them that on their judgment day, they will find themselves not at the Bema Judgment Seat of believers in Heaven, but instead they will find themselves at the Great White Throne judgment of Unbelievers to be condemned. They will have trusted in their own works and own perceived goodness by their works and rejected salvation by God’s grace through Christ Jesus on the cross. As such, they are not born again in the Spirit and they will have to pay the wages of sin (Romans 6:23) themselves. It was their choice and they chose wrong in boastful pride. Jesus stern warning,

Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” (Matthew 7:21-23 KJV)

What is the ‘will of the Father’ Jesus spoke of here? I will let Jesusu answer that question for you because in John 6 Jeus was asked and He answered what the will of the Father is.

“All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out.  For I came down from heaven, not to do mine own will, but the will of him that sent me.

And this is the Father’s will which hath sent me, that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day. And this is the will of him that sent me, that every one which seeth the Son, and believeth on him, may have everlasting life: and I will raise him up at the last day.”  (John 6:37-40 KJV)

The will of the Father is to believe on Christ for salvation.

The apostates in Matthew 7 had an iniquity and it was not sins they committed. Their iniquity was their unbelief and boasting in their own works tio save themselves. They think they are good enough without belief on Christ alone! God states that “all our righteousnesses are as filthy rags” (Isahiah 64:6 KJV).  These are Apostates. They are UNBELIEVERS who DENY Christ as Messiah, the Son of God who paid for all the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2) and rose again. Yet, they are among the believer community and may look like they are believers by their works.

We see many religions today that are Apostate. Religions teaching our works are what matter for salvation and righteousness. So many, so called ‘Christian’ Religions rising and growing stronger, while true born again believers are leaving them.

Jack Kelly (RIP) wrote something to take notice about in Revelation. It is so right on the bullseye of truth and so relevant to us living today, here in the End Times generation just before the Church Age ends. Jack wrote:

“For the Lord’s prophecy to the churches of of our times, compare the Church of Philadelphia with the Church of Laodicea in Rev. 3 About Philadelphia, a model of the evangelical Church, He said, “I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and not denied my name.” (Rev. 3:8) But when it comes to Laodicea, a model of the apostate church, it’s a different story. Here Jesus said, “You say, ‘I am rich. I have acquired wealth and do not need a thing.’ But you do not realize that you are wretched, pitiful, poor, blind and naked.” (Rev. 3:17)

– Jack Kelley from

Does that ever describe the declining state of Christianity today. Apostasy, a great falling away has occurred, and is still occurring increasingly, in many churches that were once teaching being born again in the Spirit by belief on Christ and not by works. And some apostates left true teaching Churches and started their own which completely deny Christ’s deity but who are still using Jesus’ name! Religions such as:

  • The Church of Jesus Christ and Latter Day Saints
  • Jehovah’s Witness
  • Christian Science
  • and the list goes on.

The Church is NOT a building. The Church consists of members who believe salvation is a free gift of God, not of works, through belief in Christ and His once for all payment (Hebrews 10:10) for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2) and His rising from the dead (1 Cor. 15:1-4).